Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I, much like many other people out there, own an iPhone.

Overall, I LOVE it. It's basically like my own mini computer that I can do anything with. I love it when I'm able to answer any question I have by simply using my google app whenever I feel like it. It's a source of entertainment when I'm bored but at the same time is a dictionary for when I want to look up the meaning of something. It tells me when I have an appointment coming up and it can also tell me when I have a new notification on facebook. It even can give me directions for how to drive somewhere when I'm lost. (which happens often..) My one and only complaint about the lovely little device called the iPhone is the fragile screen. I am clumsy and drop things often.

The other day I was getting out of my car and stupidly thought that I had put my phone into my purse, which I of course hadn't. After watching it bounce a couple times across the asphalt of the mall parking lot and land underneath the car I was parked beside, I realized that I had actually left it sitting on my lap. Ooops. I stood in shock as a stared down at my most prized possession laying on the ground with a huge spiderweb crack crawling down the screen. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. I immediately went and bought Apple Care (insurance for when terrible things like this happen). Thankfully, I can still use it. Kind of.

Anyone else had this problem before? What did you do? I'll probably call apple but do they normally replace iPhone screens? Let me know pleeeeaseee!

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